1675 Lower Roswell Rd, Marietta, GA 30068, USA


Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)

New discoveries in science have helped us understand how balancing hormones can improve the health of both men and women. BHRT, or bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, is a medical treatment that has been administered for many years. It uses hormones that are structurally similar to those that the body makes. This treatment involves supplementing the body with hormones when the body’s natural hormone levels are low or out of balance.

The medical professionals at Pele Aesthetics, our medical spa in Marietta, GA, north of Atlanta, use BHRT to restore hormone balance so you feel energized and well at every age.

How Does BHRT from Pele Aesthetics Work?

Our professionals customize your treatment so you receive a personalized level of hormones for your specific needs. BHRT is delivered via the pellet method, which involves the placement of a hormone pellet subcutaneously (beneath the skin). The hormones are released as the body requires them. The hormone pellets dissolve over time, replicating the hormones men and women need for optimal health..

Why Should I Consider BHRT Hormone Therapy?

Each of us will experience reduced hormone production as we age. While following and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, good nutrition, and sufficient exercise can help delay hormone level reductions, we will all experience the effects of lower hormones in the body due to the natural process of aging.

What Conditions Does BHRT Help Treat?

Our BHRT treatments can provide relief from the symptoms of many conditions, including hypothyroidism, which is where the thyroid doesn’t produce enough hormones. Hypothyroidism symptoms may include:

  • Depression
  • Problems concentrating; memory loss
  • Joint pain and muscle aches
  • Irregular menstrual cycles in women
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Weight gain
  • Sensitivity to cold
  • Dry skin and hair; hair loss
  • Constipation


If left untreated, hypothyroidism can lead to more severe health problems, such as:

  • Enlarged thyroid gland
  • High cholesterol
  • Heart failure
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Infertility and pregnancy complications


Through the use of bioidentical hormone therapy treatments, the pressure on the endocrine system can be relieved and hormone balance restored.

BHRT can also potentially provide these and many more benefits:

  • Reduction or elimination of symptoms of menopause and andropause
  • Better sleep
  • Weight loss and control
  • Improved mood
  • Increased energy
  • Enhanced libido
  • Improvements in mental clarity
  • Improved cardiovascular health


At Pele Aesthetics, our goal is to create a custom hormone therapy treatment plan to optimize your body’s hormone balance. You can benefit from our BHRT hormone therapy, which keeps your body in balance over time and at every stage of life.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) in Marietta, GA

Is Hormone Therapy Safe?

Hormone therapy, when administered by a trained medical expert, is typically safe. Nevertheless, there are possible adverse effects, as with any medical treatment. A person’s age, current health, and medical history are just a few of the variables that determine hormone therapy’s safety.

Pele Aesthetics will consult with all patients so they are informed about the potential risks and benefits of BHRT therapy. Since the hormones in BHRT are delivered in pellet form and the pellets’ hormones are absorbed slowly over time, this approach may help avoid unwanted side effects.*

What Does Hormone Treatment Cost?

We will consult with you to determine costs in your individual case, taking into account your custom treatment plan.

What Results Can I Expect?

Each individual will receive a custom level of hormones and receive benefits according to their individual situation. Below, we discuss general information and expectations to help you understand the main points of the process and potential results.

●     What Is Involved in the Pellet Insertion Procedure?

The hormone pellet insertion appointment is a quick, minimally invasive procedure. A small area on the upper buttocks is numbed, and the pellet is inserted. Bioidentical hormones in the pellet are completely absorbed and leave no residue.

●     How BHRT Delivers Benefits Over Time

Pellet therapy is a minimally invasive, easy solution that delivers a regulated release of hormones that are identical to those that your body creates. You won’t have to recall if you took your hormone pill or disrupt your life and stop to take a pill. The pellet dissolves over time, allowing you to continue with your daily activities uninterrupted.

Our team will make a treatment plan just for you, and we will monitor how you are responding to therapy while keeping your needs and goals in mind. A hormonal imbalance can cause a lot of different symptoms. BHRT is meant to help lessen or eliminate these, so you can enjoy a sense of wellbeing.

●     How Does BHRT Help with Menopause Symptoms?

Dealing with hot flashes and night sweats is one thing, but menopause can also cause sleep problems, lowered sex drive, mood changes, and more issues. Women don’t have to deal with these symptoms because BHRT can help put hormones back into balance. Along with some lifestyle updates, such as regular exercise, women can experience a reduction or cessation of menopausal effects.

By helping to put hormones back into balance, BHRT can also help reduce the risk of osteoporosis. It can also assist with other issues, like excess hair growth.

●     How Does BHRT Hormone Therapy Help Improve Andropause Symptoms?

Testosterone levels begin falling at around age 30, and starting around age 40-50, men experience a reduction in testosterone that is known as andropause. Key implications are the loss of bone and muscle mass and the increase of body fat. These symptoms can be quite different between men, but some complain of fatigue, erectile dysfunction, and depression. BHRT can help rebalance hormones, so men can enjoy increased energy levels and better overall feelings of wellbeing.

●     How Long Does BHRT Take to Show Results?

BHRT will usually require around four weeks to take effect and up to six months for full hormone optimization to occur. Bioidentical hormone pellets require replacement two–four times per year, depending on individual needs.

Meet Pele Aesthetics’ Hormone Treatment Professionals

It’s important to feel at ease with your treatment team. Rest assured that your BHRT therapy will be expertly administered and monitored at Pele Aesthetics Medical Spa. We are Biote Certified Providers, so you can trust in our expertise. Meet our experienced team of medical professionals!

Gain the Benefits of Hormone Treatment in the Atlanta Area at Pele Aesthetics

With all of the aforementioned benefits, including improved sleep, which can influence so many aspects of your life, you have so much to gain from hormone therapy. Our professionals at Pele Aesthetics look forward to consulting with you about your personalized BHRT hormone therapy treatment.

Contact Pele Aesthetics Medical Spa to schedule your consultation today!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Schedule Your Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy in Marietta, GA