1675 Lower Roswell Rd, Marietta, GA 30068, USA


Kybella Lipodissolve Injections

Kybella Lipodissolve Injections

A Lipodissolve injection is a non-invasive procedure that helps remove fat deposits on your body that are resistant to exercise and diet. The method works as a body sculpting method. Our specialists at Pele Aesthetics, in Marietta, GA, a few miles north of Atlanta, inject the treatment into the neck, thighs, hips, and back.

How Do Lipodissolve Injections Work?

The Lipodissolve injections break up your fat cells, which are later excreted through the lymphatic system; the treatment option is not invasive and is the best option to liposuction. Our patients experience minimal pain, bruising, and no downtime. The result is long-lasting, but you may require other follow-up procedures.

Our Kybella Product is FDA Approved

Our product, Kybella, is approved for submental fat. The injection contains deoxycholic acid and can dissolve fat in the double chin. When injected underneath the chin, it destroys the fat cells and offers a noticeable double chin reduction. Once the fat cells are destroyed, they cannot store fat, and you can comfortably achieve your aesthetic goal.

Double chins can be eliminated through exercise and adjustment of the diet. But in other instances, the double chins resulting from genetics can be problematic to eliminate. The good news is that our product, Kybella, efficiently eliminates the double chin. The injection has minimal side effects and takes less time for the procedure to be complete. Although Kybella offers permanent results, adhering to a healthy diet and lifestyle is essential to prevent weight gain.

Fast and Effective Results

Our Kybella Lipodissolve injections efficiently target areas with fat on your body, and you will need 2-4 treatments for the best results. With this procedure, you don’t have to worry about downtime due to the surgical procedure. It also does not require any recovery period compared to the surgical alternatives. The only side effect you can expect is swelling for a few days.

Results are Permanent

The injections destroy the fat cells permanently. Once these fat cells are destroyed, they won’t come back. You can enjoy enhanced beauty. Also, a double chin indicates obesity and eliminating it gives desirable results.

Our Experts Administer Lipodissolve Injections

If you are unhappy about fat under your chin, Lipodissolve injections offer an effective solution to submental fullness. Our healthcare specialists are competent in administering the injections under the chin. Each injection will take 15-20 minutes, and the number of injections is dependent on your desired aesthetic profile.

Minimal Side Effects

The procedure is non-surgical and has very minimal side effects. Some side effects you can expect after the injections are swelling, numbness, and mild pain. Our specialist will offer medications to relieve these symptoms.

Book your Kybella Lipodissolve Injection consultation today with Pele Med Spa in Marietta, GA, just north of Atlanta.