1675 Lower Roswell Rd, Marietta, GA 30068, USA


Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

Pele Aesthetics Welcomes You

Welcome to Pele Aesthetics! We offer a wide range of skin revitalization, facial, and body rejuvenation procedures at our medical spa in Marietta, GA, close to Atlanta. One treatment you may wish to try is PRP with plasma. It offers remarkable collagen rejuvenation results that can give you the refreshed look you’ve been seeking without surgery.

What is PRP - Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is an innovative dermatology treatment that utilizes a patient’s own blood to promote skin rejuvenation and healing. The procedure entails taking a small quantity of blood from the patient and then putting it through a centrifuge to separate out the plasma, which is rich in platelets. In addition to cytokines and other bioactive proteins, these platelets contain growth factors, which are essential components in the process of tissue regeneration and wound healing.

As the years pass, our skin tone may become dull and uneven, showing signs of sun damage and hyperpigmentation. PRP procedures offer a rejuvenating solution by helping to restore a youthful glow to your skin.

How Does the PRP Plasma Procedure Work?

During a PRP treatment, the concentrated plasma is injected into areas of the skin that require rejuvenation, such as the face, neck, décolletage, and hands. The plasma’s growth factors trigger the creation of fresh collagen, which improves the tone and texture of the skin and reduces the appearance of scars, fine lines, and wrinkles.

Key Benefits of PRP Therapy

Our medical professionals will consult with you to help you decide on how this treatment can best meet your needs. PRP’s benefits include:

  • Natural Treatment – By using the patient’s own plasma, there are no risks of allergic reactions or rejection.
  • Minimally Invasive – PRP is a minimally invasive procedure with little to no downtime required.
  • Improves Skin Texture – PRP stimulates collagen to smooth out wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Scar Reduction – Scars can be a major concern for many individuals, whether they are the aftermath of acne, surgery, or injuries. PRP procedures offer a safe and effective solution for scar tissue reduction. By injecting concentrated platelet-rich plasma directly into the affected area, the growth factors are released, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. This process helps to smooth out the texture of the skin, reducing the appearance of scars.
    You may have tried various other treatments, including creams and ointments, and are still looking for the results you want. PRP stimulates the natural healing process of the skin, encouraging the regeneration of healthy tissue. Over the next few months, the scar will fade, giving you the smoother skin appearance you desire.
  • Facial Skin Rejuvenation – In this treatment, platelet-rich plasma is skillfully applied to the face after microneedling. PRP encourages collagen and elastin production. The result is fresher, more luminous skin and a more youthful appearance. Often, after three sessions, you will see noticeable skin revitalization results. You may wish to take advantage of our Golden Facial, which combines microneedling, Botox, and PRP for deluxe rejuvenation results!

Meet Our Skin Care Professionals

It’s important to feel at ease with your treatment team. At Pele Aesthetics Medical Spa, we’re all about creating a welcoming atmosphere where clients feel comfortable and cared for. Meet Dr. Figa and our BSN-RN professionals!

What Do PRP Treatments Cost?

We will consult with you on the total costs associated with your particular PRP procedure. Plus, you can take advantage of our Cherry Payment Plans, which feature no credit checks, 0% interest, and fast and easy signup. Get the skincare treatments you want starting as low as $30 per month. Get your treatment now and pay later!

Is PRP Treatment Safe?

Because the platelet-rich plasma contains growth factors that stimulate collagen production, it provides a natural and long-lasting improvement in the tone and texture of the skin. From reducing fine lines to evening out pigmentation irregularities, PRP treatments are a safe and effective way to achieve a more radiant and youthful appearance.

Are Fillers a Better Option for Me?

While fillers have their own benefits, PRP is an excellent choice for individuals who may not be suitable candidates for, or do not wish to use fillers. Unlike dermal fillers, PRP utilizes the body’s natural healing mechanisms to achieve optimal results. As PRP is derived from your own blood, the risk of allergic reactions or adverse side effects is minimal. Additionally, the longevity of results varies, with PRP often offering a more sustainable solution compared to temporary fillers.

What Results Can I Expect?

While results vary by individual, most patients see noticeable improvements after completing a series of 3-4 PRP treatments spaced 1-2 months apart. Some residual benefits may last up to a year or more before maintenance treatments are required. In summary, PRP therapy is an effective way to rejuvenate the skin using the body’s own healing and regenerative capabilities.

PRP - The Ideal Choice for Your Skincare Rejuvenation Journey

PRP procedures provide a safe and effective way to revitalize your skin and address concerns such as scar tissue reduction, acne scar removal, and skin tone issues. By harnessing the power of your body’s own platelet-rich plasma, this treatment promotes natural healing and leads to long-lasting results.

We highly recommend exploring what PRP can do for you. It’s an effective choice for those who may not be suitable candidates for or simply don’t wish to use fillers. Let PRP unlock the hidden potential of your skin and bring out your inner beauty.

Contact Pele Aesthetics Medical Spa to schedule your consultation today!